CPR Certification Seattle    (206) 637-9602

CPR certification

HSI Medic First aid and CPR training fits your people, your business, and you.

No CPR training program is perfect for every type of learner or every type of instructor. Your employees have different jobs, come from different walks-of-life, and have different learning styles. With HSI’s flexible Medic First Aid, CPR, and AED training, you can have our certified instructors build a custom program that works best for your staff.  CPR Northwest Washington provides unique teaching styles to meet your needs while maintaining a high standard of quality that your employees demand.

The combination of CPR Northwest Washington, ASHI and MEDIC First Aid provides a flexible, innovative First Aid, CPR, and automated external defibrillator (AED) training program for businesses and communities – all backed by the industry’s best technical support, customer service, and instructional resources.

Whether you need an onsite CPR trainer for a corporation or one of the CPR, AED, First Aid, and BLS classes we offer six days a week with availability morning, afternoon and evenings at our conveniently located training center, our emergency care programs and support make it easy to teach lifesaving skills and build in your students the confidence it takes to respond in an emergency.


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